Akron Zoo, Grizzly Ridge
Akron, OH
Driwall™ Rainscreen 020-1
The new Grizzly Ridge exhibit at the Akron Zoo in Ohio, besides being the largest and most diverse in the Zoo’s 60-years of operation, also earned silver status LEED certification for the sustainable design, construction, and on-going operation of the new structures. Green features such as LED lighting, rain barrels, pervious concrete, and a green roof help conserve water, energy, and other resources.
The Grizzly Ridge highlights species that are native to Ohio, including red wolves, coyotes, river otters, bald eagles, 15 species of birds, and of course, grizzly bears. Bear Porch is home to the grizzly bears. The building’s façade features rustic stone around the base of the building which simulates the exterior of an historic Akron Mill Store along the Erie Canal. KEENE’s Driwall Rainscreen drainage mat was installed behind the adhered stone to manage moisture and preserve the integrity of the stone.
Moisture Protection Solution: Driwall Rainscreen 020-1
The Driwall Rainscreen 020-1 created a ¼” airspace behind the stone to allow for drainage and ventilation. Masonry veneers such as stone are often referred to as reservoir claddings since they are highly absorbent and can hold large amounts of moisture. Therefore, it is essential to provide not only a way for liquid moisture to drain from the wall, but also a way to dry out the saturated stone. The Driwall Rainscreen creates a space to allow air to flow behind the stone veneer. The ventilated cavity dries out the stone and preserves the look and longevity of the rustic stone cladding.
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