“Impact sounds, such as those created by footsteps, the dropping of an object or themoving of furniture, can be a source of great annoyance in residential buildings.
While there are no requirements in the National Building Code for impact sound attenuation, some degree of control is necessary for occupant comfort and satisfaction. Although there is some commonality among the factors influencing the attenuation of airborne sound and impact sound, the latter is by far the more complicated to measure, rate and control…”
Read the full article, pdf link is below!
Controlling the Transmission of Impact Sound through Floors
NRC CNRC, Construction Technology
Institute for Research in Construction
By: A.C.C. Warnock
December 1999
Read full article: http://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/ctu-sc/files/doc/ctu-sc/ctu-n35_eng.pdf