“In the grand scheme of building materials, Adhered Concrete Masonry Veneer is relatively young. You’ve undoubtedly seen it on beautiful stone exterior façades and extravagant interior details. During the last building boom, it was a material that many trades jumped into and made money installing. However, as with any “jump on board, make money opportunity” the correct training sometimes lags a bit. The plastering trade constructs walls similarly and should consider adding ACMV to their services. Other trades now have access to some great training materials put out by the industry, therefore helping newcomers get up to speed…” To read more, click below!
A Stone’s Throw Away
Walls & Ceilings
By: Christopher Little
September 1, 2012
For full article please click here: http://www.wconline.com/articles/88117-a-stone-s-throw-away