“A unique seven-story building in the Midwest exhibited leakage problems resulting in interior finish damage and mold problems.
The leakage problem, evaluated following the protocol of ASTM E2128, identified two major water entry paths. The first and most severe was leaking windows, particularly around packaged through-wall air conditioner (PTAC) units as well as at frame joints and glazing gaskets.
Two before-and-after investigative ASTM C1601 tests were conducted. Although there are no industry standards for permeability rates, measured rates are judged to be reasonable for masonry assuming that there was a functional drainage cavity and flashing. Unfortunately for this building, water which penetrated the wall could not be handled by a deficient flashing system…”
To read more, click below!
Moisture Remediation in Single Wythe Masonry
SMART dynamics of masonry
By: Robert J. Kudder, PhD, PE, SE, FASTM
Vol 2, No 1, 2014
Read article here: http://www.dynamicsofmasonry.com/content/moisture-remediation