• This article uses three-dimensional audio. The effect is only apparent if you listen with headphones.


    "We talk about how cities and buildings look. We call places landmarks or eyesores. But we rarely talk about how architecture sounds, aside from when a building or room is noisy.

    The spaces we design and inhabit all have distinctive sounds. The reading rooms at the New York Public Library have an overlay of rich sound. Your office may be a big room in a glass building with rows of cubicles where people stare into computer screens.

    It may be sealed off from the outside, and you may think it is quiet.

    Is it?…”


    Read & Listen to the article, link is below!


    Dear Architects: Sound Matters

    The New York Times. Arts

    By Michael Kimmelman

    Sound Produced by Alicia DeSantis, Jon Huang and Graham Roberts

    December 29, 2015


    Read article: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/12/29/arts/design/sound-architecture.html?emc=eta1&_r=0