• “Sound control in the flooring industry is a thankless job. Think about it, if the product is installed and functions properly the end user never even knows it’s there. No concerns, no complaints and, most unfortunately, no pats on the back. This is exactly the reason why in the noise reduction industry no news is certainly good news. To understand how noise is controlled in the floor/ceiling assembly we first have to understand just what noise is. Floors are inherently more difficult to reduce noise issues mostly because there are two completely separate factors to be concerned with—airborne noise and impact noise…”

    Read the whole article, click the link below!


    The Importance of Sound Control

    Floor Trends

    By: Daniel Gibson, Keene Building Products

    January 10, 2014


    Link to Article: http://www.floortrendsmag.com/articles/96559-the-importance-of-sound-control?v=preview