Living on an island in New York?! SIGN US UP! These luxury apartments are surrounded by spectacular views of the Hudson River. 

    Starbuck Island offers a gated community that includes 268 apartment units, 40 senior apartments, 26,444 sq. ft. mixed use building, and 3,500 sq. ft. retail space. Residents will be able to enjoy the pool, fitness center, clubhouse, private balconies, and more!


    The owner was looking for luxury sound ratings and decided to install the Cylent AssuranceTM Clip along with Dependable’s  GSL K2.6 over Keene’s Quiet Qurl 013 MT (Muffling Technology).  This system produces STC & IIC ratings of high 50’s / low 60’s.

    With the combination of GSL K2.6 and Quiet Qurl 013 MT, the occupants are set up for a quiet living solution for their home.   




    Reasons to Implement Keene & Floor Prep Solution

    • Cylent Assurance combined with Quiet Qurl® sound mats, Space Assurance™ gap spacer, and GSL® gypsum underlayment provides a full system approach to acoustical concerns. 
    • Significant increases the IIC and STC ratings of the floor/ceiling and wall assemblies


    Products used in this project: 
















    Contact Keene / Floorprep today to solve your 
    noise control issues. 

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