• “Today’s consumer is incredibly educated about what products she wants in her home. By the time she gets to the retail store she’s already visited flooring websites, blogs and message boards; she’s been to manufacturer websites, your store’s website, visited competitor sites, talked to her friends and compared products.

    As a result, there’s no question that she has definite opinions about the products she likes and her criteria for choosing them.

    Among those criteria are design and color, price, durability, performance, maintenance requirements, environmental considerations, the manufacturer’s reputation, and how and where it’s made. And of all those criteria, where it’s made is arguably the most critical factor because it drives job growth, contributes to economic stability and improves the overall health of our local communities.

    So just why is Made in the USA important?…”


    Read the full article, link is below!


    Buying Made in the USA Helps Local Economies Thrive
    Floor Trends
    By: Betsy Amoroso
    May 1, 2014


    Read full article: http://www.floortrendsmag.com/articles/97059-buying-made-in-the-usa-helps-local-economies-thrive