• The Importance of Proper Ventilation in Walls for Your Health


    You spend on average 90 percent of your time indoors yet rarely consider the effects of indoor air pollution. This is quite surprising given that research conducted by CNBC has shown that indoor air pollution can actually have more damaging effects on health than pollution in the air outside. So with that in mind, perhaps it’s time to learn how necessary it is to have proper ventilation in the walls for not only your health but also your home.


    1) Reduces Condensation

    When humid air is cooled quickly it can no longer hold all of the moisture in the form of water vapor so it is transformed into condensation. If the condensation is not maintained, it can result in issues for the home in the form of peeling wallpaper, structural damage to wood supports, and mold or mildew formation. To reduce the likelihood of this issue occurring, it’s important to use a system such as the DRIWALL Rainscreen that allows the water to sufficiently and effectively drain from the walls. This will lessen the chance of mold or mildew forming which will make the environment more suitable for the human respiratory system.


    2) Decreased Volatile Organic Compounds in the Air

    Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are emitted as gases from a variety of household solids or liquid that are commonly used to clean, disinfect, or degrease the home. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, levels of several organics average 2 to 5 times higher indoors than outdoors. This is troublesome since VOCs are known to cause health effects such as headaches, nausea, conjunctival irritation, nose and throat discomfort, and more. The best way for prevention is to ensure the home is properly ventilated when using materials known to cause VOCs.


    3) Filters Allergens Out of the Home

    If ventilation of the home is inadequate, it can cause allergens such as pollen, dust, and other irritants to become heavily concentrated. This is why it is important to ensure that the home has an air and vapor barrier that can circulate the air so that stagnant air is replaced with fresh air.


    4) Reduces Hydrostatic Pressure

    Hydrostatic pressure can be defined as the pressure that is created by standing or resting water. It is a natural force that has been known to buckle walls and cause havoc with concrete. It is a case where prevention or early detection are crucial. That is because once it is discovered, the only way to eliminate the pressure of standing water is to indicate the source and then use proper and lasting remedies.


    5) Prevents Asthma and Reduces Other Respiratory Health Issues

    When it rains moisture can get behind a wall and cause mold. This in turn causes respiratory health issues for individuals and additional health issues for those that have asthma. Luckily, moisture in the wall is preventable by using a system such as the DRIWALL Mortar Deflection as it will not only catch mortar droppings but also hold it to ensure that the wall is kept dry.

    After discovering the ways that poor ventilated walls can impact an individual's health and home, it’s time to take action. Look for sources where issues may arise and address them before it’s too late. Or better yet, keep these tips in mind the next time you’re building because future tenants will be grateful for the preventative measures. 



    Guest Writer:

    Emily Matlovich is the writer for CADdetails’ blog Design Ideas for the Built World. The blog is an extension of CADdetails.com, the leading provider of manufacturer-specific building product information, high-quality CAD drawings, 3D models, BIM files, specifications, images, projects and related documents from over 500 of North America’s top manufacturers. All of their high quality, digital content is available for download here 100% free of charge.



    Sources: Zehnderamerica, CNBC & Environmental Protection Agency



    Guest Writer:

    Emily Matlovich

    CADdetails.com blog writer
