• Baby Boomers say Quiet is Top on their List

    Here is a survey done by various residents of different generations from 18 different apartment companies with a focus on Baby Boomers and what they do and look for in apartment communities.

    “…In describing the ideal apartment community, survey respondents across the generations cited the top three features as safety and cleanliness (both tied at 90%), evidence the property is well kept (79%), and quiet (73%). Boomers, perhaps not surprisingly, place notably more importance on the issue of quietness (82%) than do millennials (69%)…”


    Read article (Survey), link is below!


    Exclusive Survey: The Housing Wants and Needs of Baby Boomers

    Multifamily Executive

    By Joseph Batdorf

    August 13, 2015


    Read article (Survey): http://www.multifamilyexecutive.com/property-management/resident-life/exclusive-survey-the-housing-wants-and-needs-of-baby-boomers_o