• “Contractors beware! With multi-story residential construction on the rise across the country, construction defects lawyers are looking for new untapped markets for business. Underperforming STC ratings seem to be one area they have their sights set on. Over the past 20 years, mold issues have been on the forefront of construction defects litigation. This has resulted in better design practices and better materials. However, it has given growth to a new segment of the industry: Construction Defects Litigation.

    Across the country there are all different types of third party design groups and consultants that can assist in every area of design in order to prevent defects or underperforming wall assemblies. Sound consultants are one such group that will design and assist architects in achieving the code required STC rating. As a contractor if you find yourself on the receiving end of a sound consultant’s recommendations, here are some realities to keep in mind…”


    Read the article, link is below!


    Misconceptions of Sound Ratings
    The Sound Truth
    Walls & Ceilings
    By: Don Pilz
    May 28, 2014


    Read article: http://www.wconline.com/articles/89015-misconceptions-of-sound-ratings